Full of shit
I was just in the bathroom and started thinking that when we were younger, didn't we all think that princesses don't shit? Why did we think that? Were they too pretty to take a shit? Then again, who gives a shit? Shit, get it..? Ha, man, I'm funny. Not.
it is funny...
but then again, in movies you never see ppl take a shit either... imagine, you sit in the cinema, watching frodo running for his life, n then suddenly he says: shit,i gotta take a crap.so, he enters a little tiny hobbit house which appears from nowhere next to him. soon after you will observe little frodo taking a shit for the next 10 min. would be change for once wouldn't it?
1:14 PM
well, see, people have been craving for you to write sth new, no matter what.
so do i need to come over and kick your ass again in order for you to write sth new? Cause I wouldn't mind!
thanks again for everything.
missing you already,
4:19 PM
Well darlings, there is something new again. Do enjoy :P
5:48 AM
You know what girl, you're on to something big.. Anorexi Nervosa is caused by exactly that.. the little princesses don't shit syndrome.. and if you eat you shit.. and you're a princess, riiite?? :/p.. shit is dirdy dirdy.. uuuuuh I'm a princess.. my body is dirdy.. one big dirdy shit factory eeeeewwwww LOL.. try reading an issue of Psychology today... you'll see adds for cleaning products.. every two pages.. it's fascist.. but we live fascist times.. duuuuuude.. and we got fascist miiiiiiinds too duuuuuuuude... p.s. I think I luv ya princess ;P
9:32 AM
I just love your comment M, I think I might have an idea for a new post now... Thanks! :D
7:32 AM
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