
Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Westerner's Nirvana

So finally, after so many depressed months, weeks, hours, minutes and painfully long seconds I have reached nirvana. At last! Nirvana is mine! This is what it feels like. Happy. Me? Moi? Never. Or maybe yes.
I found out long ago that the key to happiness is rather simple when you put it in writing but when you try to emotionally force it upon yourself it fails miserably. Happiness in its essence to me is wanting what you have instead of just having what you want. If happiness was just about having what you want it would be an unreachable state of being. Maybe it is. In my mind, it is a very possible one, though. We have wants beyond our own imaginations. Our desire for things we don't have is endless. It never ends. That would mean there is no treasure at the end of the rainbow, i.e. no happiness to fulfill that emotional void. But settling for what you have here and now is a gateway to the Westerner's nirvana. Of course as greedy pieces of shit, sorry excuses for human beings, we will never stop wanting what we can't have. What we can do is to appreciate what we have. What I am talking about is pretty much an attitude disability, which mainly occurs in the Western parts of the world. We say we appreciate the clean water, the abundance of food, the warm and comfy houses, the endless choices in clothes, the possibility to educate ourselves... The hell we do. We take it for granted. Every single thing we have, we take for granted. Every sip of the Evian water, every film you saw, every bite of a Mars bar, every antibiotic you take... They just are. They're supposed to, right? Appreciate what you have. Right now. Don't imagine appreciating it, do it.
I have once discussed happiness with one of my beloved RCN comrades and he told me he doesn't believe in happiness. Fair enough. No matter how good his argumentations were, I still remained conviced of the idea that everything we human beings do in fact aims at happiness. The goal of all actions, the final result. Why would you do a single thing, why would you even get out from your bed if you didn't think there was something to achieve? And that something is happiness. Not only your own necessarily, might be others' too. But the happiness of others that you have contributed to gives you happiness as well, thus making your action for enhancing others' happiness the action of contributing to your own happiness.
Get me?
Oh, nevermind. Be happy.
I am.