
Saturday, December 16, 2006

Meeting limitations

Why do people who make each other unhappy to a frightening degree stay together? Is it a matter of pride or principle? Are we afraid of shame? When is it okay to say this is enough and walk out? Or can we even admit it to ourselves that the person we are with is the one making us miserable? And even if the case may be that we are able to admit it, will we find the strength for leaving? Where does love start and where does it end? How do you know when it has ended and turned into a life sucking feeling making you long for something else? And what we so often long for is our self. You crave to be the one you had the potential to be before you slipped from your path and did what so many have done before you and will do after you. One morning you wake up and realise you have grown-up children with lives of their own. And they are not yours.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

What would I not give to be a cat.

What would I not give to be a cat
to roam along my own paths
in the evening come home to eat
fall asleep feeling at ease
I could avoid all the institutions
with the evil education they offer
life would be my teacher
I'd learn as I suffer

What would I not give to be a cat
to be free of expectations
and rejoice the moment I catch a small rat
I could be independent
and live on my own
I'd be my own master
necessity would show me
how to run faster

What would I not give to be a cat
to seek for the truth
in whatever I might do
I'd have nine lives to keep me safe
when I lose one another one will replace
no matter how I'm treated
I always land on my feet
and when it's time to fight
I'd do it with my nails and teeth

What would I not give to be a cat
you'd want to pet me whenever I'd show up
anytime I'd come around
it would suit your schedule
because you'd know I could be gone
in a matter of seconds
I would be loved
regardless of the condition my fur is in
and all of this is just the beginning

What would I not give to be a cat